Logo du gouvernement du Québec.
Ministère des Finances

Ministère des Finances

Protection of personal information

The Act recognizes, in addition to an individual's right of access to documents, an individual's right of access to personal information concerning him or her and an individual's right of correction of such information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or equivocal, or if the collection, release or keeping of the information is not authorized by law.

If you wish to access personal information concerning you that is held by the Department, you may request access to the information by contacting the person in charge of the protection of personal information.

In accordance with subparagraph 3 of section 4 of the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, the Department provides the contact information of the person in charge of the protection of personal information.

David St-Martin
Person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information

Direction générale de l’organisation du budget, de l’administration et du secrétariat
Ministère des Finances
390, boulevard Charest Est
Québec (Québec)
G1K 3H4
Telephone: 418 643-1229
Fax: 418 646-0923
Email: responsable.acces@finances.gouv.qc.ca

For information on the access procedure, the types of information available or for access to sample letters, please view the following pages: